Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Five important guidelines of Make Love

Sexual activity before intercourse which called foreplay by most expert says not true instead mean nothing but "sexual intercourse warming". The word foreplay give a huge stress for men to have erective penis and tend to bring our thinking that sex is only intercourse. Demikian pendapat yang disampaikan Joel D. Block, PhD dalam bukunya yang berjudul “Secrets of Better Sex”.

According to Joel, the right term for it is “Loveplay”. Commonly the period called ‘foreplay’ regarde as a must step for a men to his partner ini dianggap sebagai langkah yang harus dilakukan oleh seorang pria terhadap pasangan wanitanya supaya siap berhubungan seks karena pria dianggap selalu siap. Kenyataannya, pria, terutama yang sudah lanjut usia sangat membutuhkan dan menginginkan loveplay sebelum atau selama hubungan seks. Sebagai sebuah persiapan menuju hubungan badan yang sesungguhnya, foreplay akan lebih mampu meningkatkan gairah seksual bila dijalankan dengan benar. Berikut ini lima petunjuk untuk Foreplay menurut Joel. D.Block:1. Ingatlah bahwa seks dimulai di otak. Start thinking about sexual intercourse time and tell your thinking briefly, it is better by drawing a picture to your partner if you can. It can achieve by using another symbol, like send her a rose to her office. Give attention to romantic things. Siapkan suasana yang sedikit romantis. Pastikan ruangan cukup hangat, pencahayaan yang tepat, bau ruangan yang harum, pakaian dalam yang merangsang, dan sebagainya.3. Perlahan-lahan. Mulailah dengan mencium (jangan langsung pada organ seks).4. Berikan orgasme. Banyak wanita tidak mengalami orgasme saat berhubunga seksual. Sebagian wanita yang mengalami orgasme beberapa kali jauh lebih mungkin mendapatkan orgasme yang kedua atau ketiga selama berhubungan seksual jika mereka pernah mengalaminya.5. Perhatikan zona erotik lain. Ada banyak zona erotik, misalnya putting, skrotum (pada pria) atau tempat-tempat lain seperti telinga, leher, dan sebagainya.


Early detection on cancer cell

Cancer recurence because of cancer cell spreading after treatment series must avoid reminding of cancer death number still high. For that purposes, early and acurate detection on cancer cell spreading needed.
”With early detection, terapeutic respons of cancer can be determined,” says Head of Radiology Departement Gading Pluit Hospital dr Tjondro Setiawan, on official announcement of PET-CT Scan dan Cyclotron center, Monday (17/11), at Gading Pluit Hospital, Jakarta. The official announcement was done by Minister of Research and Technology Kusmayanto Kadiman and General Director Management of Medical Services of Health Departement Farid Husein.

Cell alteration detection
There are so many tools was developed in early detection on cancer, neurological disturbance, and cardiovascular so far, such as computed tomography (CT-Scan), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Positron Emission Tomography (PET). ”And now, we have PET-Scan and Cyclotron which become the first facility in Indonesia,” says Tjondro.
PET-CT Scan is 3 colour dimension scan to detect alteration or cell activity inside the body using radiopharmacy. With nuclear technology, PET-CT Scan can give exact image of abnomally growth body cell location.

Taken from: Kompas daily, Tuesday November 18, 2008


Sunday, November 23, 2008

What's the impact of advance medical examination?

Today, medicine science has improve rapidly. More medical examination items have invited, and some of them is invasif methode of examination. Let's say cardiac catheterisation, colonoscopy, bronchoscopy and others. Some of them are not invasive methode but still, give big impact to whom examined using the methode.

Some patient, prever not go to medical facilities because they imagine how pain, tired and scarry walking trough a medical examination, especially the invasive one. This implications have to think by physician and health care provider in order to give maximum service to their patients. But still, we found medical provider like doctor ordered some additional examination without considering patient psychologic condition.
Other examination give impact to patient after long time they done the examination. Examination using a radioisotop for example. It can give radiation to patient body, and can affect body organ and cellular function. While other examination like rectal or vaginal examination can affect to patient comfort. And should perform carefully to make sure patient safety and comfort


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Colon Cancer Information And Treatment

Colon cancer also well known as colorectal cancer and large bowel cancer. Colon cancer is cancer that begins in the large intestine (colon) or the rectum (end of the colon). Colorectal cancer causes 655,000 deaths worldwide per year, including about 16,000 in the UK. Almost a quarter of all adults in the U.S. over the age of 50 will have at least one colorectal polyp. Colorectal cancer become the second most common cancer in US women. Most colorectal cancers develop from polyps in glandular tissue of the intestinal lining. Symptoms of colon cancer are various and nonspecific.

The first symptoms of colon cancer are commonly vague, like weight loss and fatigue (tiredness). Local (bowel) symptoms are rare until the tumor has grown to a large size. Other symptoms of colon cancer include fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, change in bowel habits, narrow stools, diarrhea or constipation, red or dark blood in stool, weight loss, abdominal pain, cramps, or bloating.
There are several risk factors for the disease. Diet also contributes to the risk, although the cause-and-effect relationship is still unclear. People whose diets are high in fruits and vegetables seem to have a reduced risk.
Certain genetic syndromes also reduce the risk of developing colon cancer. Heavy exposure to certain chemicals, including chlorine , which in small amounts is commonly used to purify drinking water may increase the risk of colorectal cancer. Smoking cigarettes is other risk factor for colorectal cancer.

The first treatment of colon cancer is to surgically remove part or all of colon. Surgery is depend on the stage and size of your tumor. Chemotherapy uses drugs to destroy cancer cells. Chemotherapy is also used to treat patients in stage IV colon cancer.

Chemotherapy is often utilized as a first-line treatment for metastatic colorectal cancer to destroy cancer cells that have metastasized. It may be used prior to surgery to increase the staging of tumor as well. Eating a low-fat, high-fiber diet, and increasing physical activity can help prevent the disease. Radiation therapy may be used after surgery to kill any remaining areas of cancer or before surgery to shrink the tumor. Radiation also can be utilized to cure cancer from coming back to the place it started and to alleviate symptoms of advanced cancer. Biological treatment, also reffers immunotherapy, attempts to make your body fight against your cancer.

More about breast cancer

What is cancer?

Cancer are a group of disease where the cells change its formation and function. As a group of abnormal cell, this cells can grow uncontrolled and forming a mass or called a tumor.

What is breast cancer?

Breast cancer are cancer or tumor developed from abnormal cells of breast. This kind of cancer are one of the most prevalence cancer in Indonesia. Usually found at 40 - 49 years old, this cancer mostly placed at the outer upper quadrant of breast.

What are causes breast cancer?

Until today, the expertise still not fully understand about what is exactly the causes of breast cancer. However, several risk factor in woman may have correlation with this cancer.

What are the risk factor of breast cancer for woman?

  • Age more than 30 yo
  • First delivery at more than 35 yo
  • Never been in sexual intercourse and never have delivery before
  • Menarge age less than 12 yo
  • Menopause age more than 55 yo
  • Have infection, trauma, or benign breast tumor surgery before
  • Long term hormonal therapy
  • Other side breast cancer
  • Having a gynecologic surgery e.g ovarium tumor before
  • History of family suffering breast tumor (mother, aunt, sisters)
  • Having a radiation in the chest area
  • Taking oral contraception in patient with breast tumor such as fibrocystic disease
What kind of examination should woman have to detect the cancer?

Several kind of examination could be use as a tool for breast cancer detection. First, and the most important examination is called self examination. This examination was performed by a woman herself. Usually, it done at the first week of her menstrual cycle to avoid the hormonal influence. This examination performed by standing in front of a mirror than woman exploring her breast one by one using his finger. It begin from the medial site, continue with the lateral site of the breast.
Directly call the doctor some of this sign had found :
  • lump in the breast
  • pain or sore of the breast
  • liquid from the nipple
  • breast skin disorder e.g dimpling, redness, ulceration, peau d 'orange
  • lymph node enlargement
Other kinds of examination including :
  • Breast Ultrasonography (USG)
  • Mammography
  • FNAB (Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy)
  • Chest X-Ray, Bone survey, and abdominal or liver USG

What are the differential diagnosis of this cancer?
  • Fibroadenoma Mammae (FAM) : Is a benign tumor usually exist at younger age (15-30 yo), have elastic in consistency.
  • Fibrocystic disease : Woman usually complaining pain at tumor site prior menstruation period, increase in size, and symptomatic therapy.
  • Cystosarcoma phylloides : a FAM like tumor but bigger in size, could reach 20-30 cm, simple mastektomy is the therapy
  • Galactocoel : a cystic tumor mass, as result of blocking of lactiferus duct. Usually hapenned in breast feeding mother
  • Mastytis : Breast infection, usually hapenned in breast feeding mother
What are treatment for breast cancer?

Basically, treatment for breast cancer divided into surgical and non surgical treatment according to the staging of the cancer.
  • Surgical treatment option usually choosen when the staging below IIIb. It should be reevaluated and could be combined with other treatment such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy
  • For IIIb and IV stadium the treatment is paliatif therapy to reduce pain


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What is cancer doctor blog?

Welcome to cancer doctor blog.

It is a blog which I developed after motivated by knowing how number of people suffer from this disease has increase.
Around the world, people seeking the way to prevent and cure this disease even tough it is hard, people keep trying. The expertise keep trying on they maximum effort to develop new medicine to cure several deadliest cancer. Meanwhile, in developing countries like Indonesia, many people fight against cancer through alternative way such as herbal medicine or even using paranormal activity.

As a medical personnel, I invited to give a good explanation to people about what is cancer, how people can get this disease, how to prevent it, how to detect it, and how is the simple description of treating this disease. Lack of understanding of cancer could bring fatalities, especially in developing country like Indonesia. Which, a lot of it people only familiar with tropical infection disease such as malaria, dengue hemorrhagic fever, morbili, varicella, and several kind of fungal infection. They still have a little knowledge about metabolic disease, stroke, heart attack or cancer. That's why fatality number of people suffered from this diseases still high.
Early warning of this kind of disease still low, it cause they were coming late to medical facility. After patient condition were bad, they coming to medical facility seeking for help. Frequently, the doctors have nothing to do instead wait for the death and try giving a 'late' explanation to the family about the disease.
It could be avoid if people had given more accurate information about cancer. They can detect the illness early, come to medical facility early, and receive examination and treatment early as well. It can prevent death.

I am very grateful to every effort to gain this blog. I thank fully receive all comments, critics, and your advice to my post to increasing the content of my blog. Please don't hesitate to give a comment to this blog. Enjoy this blog! Read more...