Sunday, November 23, 2008

What's the impact of advance medical examination?

Today, medicine science has improve rapidly. More medical examination items have invited, and some of them is invasif methode of examination. Let's say cardiac catheterisation, colonoscopy, bronchoscopy and others. Some of them are not invasive methode but still, give big impact to whom examined using the methode.

Some patient, prever not go to medical facilities because they imagine how pain, tired and scarry walking trough a medical examination, especially the invasive one. This implications have to think by physician and health care provider in order to give maximum service to their patients. But still, we found medical provider like doctor ordered some additional examination without considering patient psychologic condition.
Other examination give impact to patient after long time they done the examination. Examination using a radioisotop for example. It can give radiation to patient body, and can affect body organ and cellular function. While other examination like rectal or vaginal examination can affect to patient comfort. And should perform carefully to make sure patient safety and comfort

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